Friday, December 25, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

How some times has it happened that you herd something beatific most your land from a foreigner? Recently, I went finished a upbringing given by an dweller national who is settled in Bangalore.

had not thought anyone from USA would study settlin
g in India. Over the lunch, the discourse finally popped discover of my representative – “Why did you resolve in India? What’s wrong with America?”.

The very incoming moment I had second thoughts most my question. Should I be asking such intrusive questions? But curiosity got the meliorate of me.

And now that I come to conceive of it, the discourse was a very valid one. His reply was enlightening. He said that he modify at bag here in Bangalore.

He found the demographic composition of Bangalore quite kindred to that of New York. Both the places have global population, with grouping from different places reaching in search of meliorate opportunity.

People don’t originally belong there but they have found their newborn bag in these places. However, there is one difference. Having lived in New York every his life, he still modify stranger at times. People incoming door hardly bothered most him or how he was doing. In Bangalore, he is a stranger, but grouping still care most him. People here accept him with open arms.

That’s India. I smiled, and modify proud. History of accepting grouping and margin them into our culture. Bharat has had a news of grouping reaching from every over the world.

We have had the French, the Portuguese, the British, the Mongols – every reaching to Bharat and settling here. The Amerindic society has allowed them to primer their society into ours and Indianize whatever they brought along with them.

Thoughts like these attain me see great, but exclusive for a moment. This is exclusive one part of the story. The other part is what every of us see everyday and that is today’s reality. The truth is painful.

Do we really attitude our country? Are we really chesty of existence an Indian? I have gravest doubts because the attitude of grouping suggests otherwise.

One of my college batch mates wrote to me after having recently returned from US. Since I had also visited US at the aforementioned time, we happened to strike one of the more obvious topics – cleanliness in Bharat as compared to that in US.

She said that we Indians lack etiquette and therefore don’t keep our land clean. My ideas differed. And I evidenced that using a very ultimate example. In India, if someone eats a banana, he wont mind throwing the banana peal anywhere on the road.

The aforementioned mortal goes to a five star hotel he module look for a dustbin to throw the banana peal. If the aforementioned mortal goes to US he won’t mind eating the banana peal if he doesn't find a dustbin.

This might be a bit of exaggeration, but conveys the message. The mortal is the same, but his activity changes with the place he is in. More accurately put his activity changes with the representation of the place he is in. We don’t study our land more than a dustbin.

Is our representation of our possess land so bad?
I have never seen a French, German, Briton or dweller intense representative his country. But I have seen numerous Indians who don’t retrograde an opportunity to intense representative most India.

I have seen Indians in Europe who don’t want to associate themselves with Indians there. Associating with brown grouping somehow makes them see inferior. Some things are beyond my comprehension.

The moment we realty in America, our pronounce changes to an awkward sounding dweller accent. And it remains the aforementioned long after we have come back to India. We suddenly start using terms like gas and miles which we never used in our lives, meet to let grouping know that we were privileged enough to visit some greater place than our possess country.

It’s amazing how alacritous we pick up something from a newborn society and forget what we have learnt every our lives. We retrograde our identity in no time and see chesty of it.

Back at home, we give special treatment to some white mortal how visits office. And we personally see chesty and privileged to be in their company. This might sound racist. But let’s adjudge the truth – we are prejudiced in our thinking if not in our behavior.

create so much hype of racial slur existence thrown on an Amerindic celebrity in a nation reality show, but we forget how our possess activity is towards our possess grouping who belong to lower castes, whom we study base to ourselves.

And our activity module be no different for a black from Africa. We don’t like existence treated in a portion way, but we don’t mind treating others the aforementioned way. Don’t we hold double standards?

We have always been in awe of the white grouping and their country. I have met grouping who always wanted to resolve abroad, as if our land is meet not beatific enough to deserve them. We put undue importance to going abroad.

Some chose to springy as a second citizen in added country, kinda than put effort to attain their possess land better. It module not be an exaggeration to say that we suffer from inferiority complex.

But every this can change. What we are is exclusive what we chose to be. We requirement to bring in a sense of control of our country. And control comes from doing something for your country. Most of us complain most what is not right in our country.

But hardly some one of us thinks most how to modify the existing situation. How some of us conceive for a moment most what we can do to attain our society and land better? How some of us realize that if we don’t do something for our country, then nobody added will.

We requirement to bring in a sense of pride for our country. Talking most India, Donald Trump said -
\"India is the world’s maximal oldest continuous civilization. In the last decade thousand years, Bharat has never invaded some other country.

Bharat is the world’s maximal democracy. Bharat is one of the few countries in the concern that gained independence without violence. The art of navigation was born in the river Sind six thousand years ago. Sanskrit is the care of every the dweller languages.

Bharat was the richest land on earth until seventeenth century when the nation invaded it. Chess was invented in India. Bharat invented the sort system. Albert Einstein said that we owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could be made. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus originated in India.

The value of pie was first calculated by Amerindic mathematician who also explained the concept of what is known as the pythagorean theorem. He unconcealed it in sixth century, which was long before the dweller mathematicians did.

Bharat is the maximal English speech nation in the world. Plus, 38% of doctors and 12% scientists in United States are of Amerindic descent. They represent the wealthiest of every ethnic groups in United States as substantially as globally.

Education is stressed and some Indians run large US and global corporations. Bharat itself has become a major economic force on its possess erst again and deserves our attention not meet as a destination point or a example of history.

Bharat is important to our future and as globally aware citizens we requirement to spend time studying most this fascinating and dynamic country.\"

Sixty years after independence, its time for added effort for independence. This time the effort is not for independence from the tyranny of some Imperial power, but from our possess self undignified perception.

The effort is against our possess self detrimental meaningless inferiority complex. We requirement to modify the representation we hold for ourselves and our land and drill a feeling of take and pride. If you don’t attitude yourself, nobody added module attitude you. If you don’t attitude your country, nobody added module either.

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